bidang antara disiplin bahasa Inggris
- bidang: a range of; aspect; domain; field; purview;
- antara: infilling; intermediate; between; sixties;
- disiplin: disciplinary action; discipline; condition;
- cabang sosiologi (antara disiplin): interdisciplinary subfields of sociology
- fizik gunaan dan antara disiplin: applied and interdisciplinary physics
- jarak antara bidang kekisi: distance between lattice planes
- disiplin: disciplinary action; discipline; condition; check; disciplinary; field; subject area; correction; subject; bailiwick; train; field of study; study; subject field
- tanda atau garis pemisah antara dua bidang tanah: border; boundary
- antara: infilling; intermediate; between; sixties; half-way point; lay to rest; midway; ’tween; entomb; bury; middle; range; amongst; in the meanwhile; among; run; inter; center; inhume
- disiplin akademik: academic disciplines; academic discipline
- disiplin akuntansi: accounting discipline
- disiplin anak: child discipline
- disiplin diri: self-discipline; selfdisiplin
- disiplin ilmiah: academic discipline
- disiplin ilmu: scientific disciplines